Special County of Grey
Joint All Councils

Electronic Meeting

This Special County of Grey Joint All Councils meeting will be held jointly with the County of Grey and the municipalities of the Town of The Blue Mountains, City of Owen Sound, Township of Georgian Bluffs, Municipality of Meaford, Township of Chatsworth, Municipality of Grey Highlands, Town of Hanover, Municipality of West Grey, and Township of Southgate.


The meeting can be viewed on the Grey County website at www.grey.ca/livestream. If you experience problems accessing the live stream, please email [email protected] for assistance. 

  • That the Special Grey County Joint All Council meeting adopts the content of the agenda as presented and Grey County Procedural Bylaw 5134-22 to govern the procedure of its August 8, 2024, joint meeting of the County of Grey and the municipalities of the Town of The Blue Mountains, City of Owen Sound, Township of Georgian Bluffs, Municipality of Meaford, Township of Chatsworth, Municipality of Grey Highlands, Town of Hanover, Municipality of West Grey, and Township of Southgate.

  • That the Special County of Grey Joint All Councils meeting does now go into closed session pursuant to Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, to discuss:

    1. Labour relations or employee negotiations and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege (Shared Service Delivery & Service Efficiencies).
  • That By-law 2024-01, being a by-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Grey County Joint All Council meeting held August 8, 2024, be enacted and passed this 8th day of August, 2024. 

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