
Special County of Grey

Joint All Councils

Electronic Meeting

The Special County of Grey Joint All Council meeting was held electronically on the above date at 8:41 a.m. The Warden called the meeting to order and assumed the Chair.

The Warden invited members to participate in O Canada.

The Warden asked each municipal Clerk to verify the elected members present. 

Patty Sinnamon, Clerk and CAO for the Township of Chatsworth, confirmed that all locally elected members were present. 

Carly Craig, Clerk for the Township of Georgian Bluffs, confirmed that all locally elected members were present, except Councillor Ryan Thompson. The following staff from Georgian Bluffs were also in attendance: Niall Lobley, CAO; Brittany Drury, Deputy CAO; and Crystal Gunn, Human Resources Manager. 

Amanda Van Alstine, Clerk for the Municipality of Grey Highlands, confirmed that all locally elected members were present. The following staff from Grey Highlands were also in attendance: Karen Govan, CAO.

Vicki McDonald, Clerk for the Town of Hanover, confirmed that all locally elected members were present. The following staff from Hanover were also in attendance: Sherri Walden, CAO, and Melissa Hilgendorff, Human Resources Manager. 

Alex Croche, Clerk for the Municipality of Meaford, confirmed that all locally elected members were present, except Councillor Harley Greenfield. The following staff from Meaford were also in attendance: Kymm Buckham, CAO, and Sarah Mahon, Director of Human Resources. 

Briana Bloomfield, Clerk for the City of Owen Sound, confirmed that all locally elected members were present, except for Mayor Ian Boddy and Councillor Melanie Middlebro’. The following staff from Owen Sound were also in attendance: Tim Simmonds, City Manager, and Janet Ashfield, Human Resources Manager. 

Lindsey Green, Clerk for the Township of Southgate, confirmed that all locally elected members were present. The following staff from Southgate were also in attendance: Dina Lundy, CAO, and Kayla Best, Human Resources Manager. 

Corrina Giles, Clerk for the Town of The Blue Mountains, confirmed that all locally elected members were present, except for Councillor Alex Maxwell. The following staff from the Town of The Blue Mountains were also in attendance: Shawn Everitt, CAO, and Sarah Traynor, Manager of Human Resources. 

Jamie Eckenswiller, Clerk for the Municipality of West Grey, confirmed that all locally elected members were present. The following staff from West Grey were also in attendance: Michele Harris, CAO. 

The following staff from Grey County were also in attendance: Kim Wingrove, CAO; Randy Scherzer, Deputy CAO; Tara Warder, Clerk; Scott Taylor, Director of Planning; Jenn Moreau, Director of Human Resources; Olivia Yale, Communications Officer; and Sarah Goldrup, Deputy Clerk.

The Warden read the land acknowledgement. 

There were no declarations of interest. 

The Warden stated that Grey County would maintain all records of this meeting and that quorum shall be determined by 50% plus one of all elected officials across Grey County. The Warden noted that any votes taken would be determined by a simple majority. 

  • JC01-24
    Moved by:Councillor Eccles
    Seconded by:Councillor Dobreen

    That the Special Grey County Joint All Council meeting adopts the content of the agenda as presented and Grey County Procedural Bylaw 5134-22 to govern the procedure of its August 8, 2024, joint meeting of the County of Grey and the municipalities of the Town of The Blue Mountains, City of Owen Sound, Township of Georgian Bluffs, Municipality of Meaford, Township of Chatsworth, Municipality of Grey Highlands, Town of Hanover, Municipality of West Grey, and Township of Southgate.

  • JC02-24
    Moved by:Councillor Dickert
    Seconded by:Councillor Carleton

    That the Special County of Grey Joint All Councils meeting does now go into closed session pursuant to Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, to discuss:

    1. Labour relations or employee negotiations and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege (Shared Service Delivery & Service Efficiencies).

    The Joint Council proceeded into closed session at 8:48 a.m.

    The Joint Council returned to open session at 9:58 a.m.

The Warden confirmed that the only items discussed were those cited in the motion to move in camera, and that direction was given to staff.

  • JC03-24
    Moved by:Councillor Eccles
    Seconded by:Councillor Allwood

    That By-law 2024-01, being a by-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Grey County Joint All Council meeting held August 8, 2024, be enacted and passed this 8th day of August, 2024. 


On motion by Councillors Monica Singh-Soares and Tom Hutchinson, the Special County of Grey Joint All Council meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.

No Item Selected